Monday, October 29, 2007

Comet Holmes 10/28/07

This photo is a stack of multiple 30 second frames taken with a Canon Digital Rebel XTi and Meade 10" Lx200 GPS at F/10. Stacked with Registax, very minimal processing in Photoshop. When I adjusted the saturation to bring out more color it made it all look fake so I left it alone. I would love to image this thing again because it keeps growing in size, all I need is some clear skies for a change.


Timur Sumer said...

Great work David. Thank you for sharing.
May I suggest to include some technical details; ie scope,camera and settings etc
Timur Sumer

Anonymous said...

David, Nice picture, but you have to remember you are in Michigan. It's going to be cloudy until spring!