Sunday, July 29, 2007

Double Cluster

Had an eventful night imaging tonight. As was suggested by some peers, I tried to do longer exposures to make my images smoother and hopefully get better results. It seemed that I was getting some field rotation in the longer exposures, so I spent some time drift aligning the scope. I think I got it a little better, but not quite perfect yet. After that I tried to do some more imaging but intermittent clouds were rolling in. I waited a while and was able to sneak a couple of hours of imaging in before dawn. I knew I wouldn't get any great results on anything faint in such a short time so I shot the famous double cluster. I'm pleased with the results, but I can see that processing stars is a lot different than processing nebulae. Looks like I need to get out Ron's book again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice work. I love the double cluster. Can i make a request for the wild duck cluster?